Wish Only Well

WOW: Wish Only Well

WOW is living in your highest ideals and believing in yourself. It's appreciating and respecting the diversity and magnificence of life, realizing that you are a link in the chain of life. The chain will be as weak or as strong as you.

Believe in the power of faith, hope and love. Contribute to life in your own special way and celebrate the renaissance of the human spirit!

Be a messenger of hope! Give WOW a new meaning: Wish Only Well.

Say WOW, smile...and pass it on!

WOW 101

used to express wonder, amazement, or great pleasure
An outstanding success
to impress greatly

Wish Only Well
To desire; to long for; to hanker after;  to have a mind or disposition toward.
So and no otherwise; no other than; exclusively; solely; wholly.
In a good or proper manner; justly; rightly;  not ill or wickedly.

WOW is Wish Only Well

Wish Only Well doesn't mean wish others well, or wishing well only for yourself. It means, wish only well for everybody and everything, including you. 

WOW is living in your highest ideals and believing in yourself.

Your highest ideals are your own, because it's your life. Get to know yourself by seeing what you believe in. 

Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, you inspire no confidence in yourself or anyone else. Realize, instead, how magnificent and unique you are, and remember that you have the choice to be who you want to be.

It's appreciating and respecting the diversity and magnificence of life,

There is diversity and magnificence all around us. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone looked the same, dressed the same, used the same patterns, colors, mannerisms. What if all the places we visited looked exactly the same? What if every day was exactly the same as the day before? Life would not be life, as we know it. Our cultural, spiritual and creative diversity is a beautiful celebration of life. The colors, expressions and creativity of our collective genius sparkle on the face of the earth like crown jewels.

realizing that you are a link in the chain of life. The chain will be as weak or as strong as you.

When you realize that you are a part of this big beautiful picture of life, this golden chain of life, you awaken your soul's wisdom. Once we know how vitally important each of us is in the chain of life, we have a duty to be strong not only for ourselves, but for all. Remember that you can't be helpful to others if you can't help yourself. 

If you've ever been on an airplane, you've seen the flight attendants give a demonstration of safety measures in case of an emergency. They mention that the first thing that will happen in the case of an emergency is that the air masks overhead your seat will drop right in front of you. Then, they mention  the important part: "if you are with a child or someone who needs help, please put the mask on yourself first, and then attend to others". By helping yourself first, you become an asset to everyone on board, instead of a problem.

Believe in the power of faith, hope and love.

Evidence is everywhere. Even if you don't believe it, imagine that you do. Do it for a day, a week, a month, whatever you choose. Think positively and expect only good, no matter what situation you are in. You will see dramatic differences in your life.

Whether you realize it or not, your brain is ON all the time. It's not like an appliance that you turn off when you go to sleep. Sometimes your brain works harder in your dreams than in real life. Your brain records everything, while you're both asleep and awake. There's so much about our own body, our own potential that we still know nothing about. But we know through research that our brain picks up and registers everything, whether we realize it or not. Remember, even the greatest geniuses in our world hardly used more than 10% of their brain! There is much to be discovered in the other 90%.

For now, let's use what we know to help ourselves. Remember, our brain is recording even the things we think or say jokingly or with irony, sarcasm, etc. You may be kidding, but your brain records, like a VCR (video cassette recorder). And like a VCR, it doesn't care if it's recording a great film or a commercial, it just does its job. 

What you think or say every moment of every day is what you experience in your life.

Contribute to life in your own special way

Do your part easily and naturally by doing what you enjoy. When you are happy doing what you do, your joy overflows and spreads all around you. By being happy, you help  make the world a better place for everyone. You can also share your talents, time, money, advice, humor, insights, anything that will help someone else. You'll be amazed at how good it will make you feel, and how lucky you are to be in a position to be able to do help. 

and celebrate the renaissance of the human spirit!

The human spirit is awakening like never before. 

Celebrate! A better world is here because of you!

Be a messenger of hope! Give WOW a new meaning: Wish Only Well.

WOW is a great tool because it's a fun and easy way to remember something good.

Say WOW, smile...and pass it on!

I think. Therefore, I Wish Only Well.

Think about it: if you feel any kind of negative feelings towards others or the world, who feels it? If there are bad feelings inside of you, they hurt and affect you.

Consider WOW.

Every time that you think, say, or do something, stop for a moment and ask yourself if you're Wishing ONLY Well.

When you associate positive thoughts with a very common word, positive thoughts are programmed into your subconscious mind. The more often you repeat the association, the stronger it will be. In time, this will cause you to think differently, and also to act differently.

What happens when you think and act differently?

You get different results!

See for yourself. Regardless of the situation that you're in, Wish ONLY Well.

Remember that you reap what you sow. By Wishing ONLY Well, you actually make your own wishes come true - it's the law of nature! 

WOW is a fun and easy way to remember something good.

Pass it on! Be a messenger of hope!

Say WOW and smile...

Wish Only Well

w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w o w

Do the WOW sign!

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Show the world that you Wish Only Well

See what others think of the WOW sign.

WOW Power!

Do you have the impression that being WOW is being passive? Do you think that it would make you weak, soft, a bleeding heart, too altruistic, too out there?

Consider this: WOW is Wish ONLY Well, not Wish OTHERS Well. 

The difference is that when you Wish ONLY Well, you include yourself. 

Of course you should wish others well, but remember to include you. 

It would not be WOW if it weren't so. If you wish well for others but not for yourself, how truthful are you really being? No matter how self-sacrificing you are, it doesn't make sense. Besides, not appreciating and respecting your own life is certainly not WOW. How can you wish others well, if you don't care for yourself? What good is your wish?

When should you Wish Only Well? It should be as natural as breathing, because when you THINK, you want to do the right thing. 

By making the WOW Connection, you will remember something good, even at your worst moments.

Make the Power of WOW work for you

Do you realize that if you Wish ONLY Well, you can create your own world into what you wish? And what is your own world? It's the place in life where you are: your present conditions, circumstances, family, friends, work, environment - in other words, your LIFE. 

By Wishing ONLY Well, you make your own world AND the whole world better.

It's neither altruistic nor's logical! You reap what you sow. Of course that doesn't mean that exactly what you did will be done to you. That would be too easy. It means that you will never know the exact moment that you will shine or will fall, depending on how you live your life. Choose the high road, and expect the best.

You create your own world, and by extension the whole world, every minute. 

Make the power of WOW work for you.

Wishing Only Well,


Carmen Colombo 

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