"I will"

I will heal and I will feel
love again.
I will rise from the ashes
of my pain.

And the tears I shed
will make my garden bloom.
They will be distilled into
sweet perfume...

That will fill the air
and soothe all wounded hearts.
Like a symphony
to the glory of love.

I will rise and face the world
with a smile.
Walk in peace
among the tame and the wild.

And my stabs and burns
won't leave any scars.
They will be transformed into
glowing stars.

That will light the way
for lost and lonely souls.
Give us hope again
to find our way home.

Carmen Colombo
March 2002


Listen to  "I Will"

Music: Giorgio Fairsoni
Lyrics: Carmen Colombo

Performed by: Giorgio Fairsoni 
Rubber Band, Padova, Italy
Bass: Massimo Braga
© 2002


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