Earth Day Proclamation

Written by John McConnell, Founder of International Earth Day, it is at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, N.Y., USA.



Original Signers 1970 - 71, and some signers 1990 - 2000


1. Alexander B. Grannis
New York Assembly

2. Judith Hollister
The Temple of Understanding

3. Luther Evans
Former Director General of UNESCO

4. Estelle Feldman (Ireland)
1970 World Youth Assembly

5. David R. Brower
Friends of the Earth

6. Arvid Pardo
Ambassador, UN Mission to Malta

7. Margaret Mead

8. Eugene McCarthy
US Senator from Minnesota

9. John Gardner
Common Cause

10. Mike Gravel
US Senator from Alaska

11. Hugh Scott
US Senator from Pennsylvania

12. Buzz Aldrin
American Astronaut

13. S. O. Adebo (Nigeria)
President of UN Assembly

14. U Thant (Ceylon)
United Nations Secretary General

15. Maurice Strong (Canada)
UN Environmental Programme

16. Y. Fukushima (Japan)
Environmental Scientist

17. Rene J. Dubois
Environmental Scientist

18. Lubos Kohoutek (Czechoslovakia)

19. Buckminster Fuller
Inventor, Scientist, Scholar

20. Mark Hatfield
U.S. Senator from Oregon

21. John Denver

22. Robert Muller (France)
Assistant Secretary General, United Nations

23. Edward Abramson
Chairman, Earth Day 1990

24. Isaac Asimov

25. Aly Teymour (Egypt)
Chief of Protocol, United Nations

26. Anatoly N. Berezovoi (Russia)

27. Cynthia Lennon (United Kingdom)

28. Stan Lundine
Lieutenant Governor, New York

29. David Dinkins
Mayor of New York City

30. Oscar Arias
President of Costa Rico

31. Audrey McLaughlin
Leader, NDP, Canada

32. George Fernandes
Minister of Transportation, India

33. Carlos Salinas
President of Mexico

34. Yasir Arafat
President of Palestine

35. Yehudi Menuhin
Musician, Violinist

36. Mikhail Gorbachev
President, Russia

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