Legal Stuff

The Internet allows anyone with access to everything in the "public domain", but there are still rules that apply for Intellectual Property.

All contents, including images, within the WOW Zone site ( are copyright, unless otherwise stated.

We are thrilled that the WOW - Wish Only Well philosophy is spreading all over the world. We encourage everyone to link to WOW Zone at and are extremely grateful to all who do.

Disclaimer: External Links are verified before posting, but websites are constantly evolving. If you see something on the WOW Zone site that you feel is inappropriate, please write to us.


You are welcome to use the WOW Logo, WOW Sign, or anything from WOW Zone for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes. Please write and let us know about it.

The use the WOW Logo, WOW Sign or anything from the WOW Zone site for COMMERCIAL purposes is available upon written request only.

If you wish to use ANYTHING on the WOW Zone site for COMMERCIAL purposes, please write to us.

You can reach us by email:

or write:
8842 Ravel Street
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H1P 3C9

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