30th Anniversary of Earth Day Birth in San Francisco

Earth Day is a single day with two dates:

Sunday - March 19 in North and South America
Monday - March 20 in the rest of our planet

Earth Day is the day of the March Equinox - a world-wide simultaneous moment of Nature's equipoise: One great global holiday on both sides of our globe.

This historic Earth Day in the year of Millennial change focuses attention on San Francisco where Earth Day began on March 21, 1970.  St. Francis, for whom San Francisco was named, was the inspiration for Earth Day.  Its founder, John McConnell often quoted the prayer of St. Francis, "Lord make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred, let me sow love.  Where there is injury, pardon."

By his words and actions St. Francis inspired efforts for peace and love of Nature.  John McConnell dedicated Earth Day, which was Nature's special event - to "peace, justice and the care of Earth."

Spread the word.  On Earth Day, think and talk about how you can make this a better world for everyone.  Everyone knows at least one thing they can do. 

Much more in Earth Day: Past, Present, Future